An RPG adventure game for the 7days7games challenge where I make 7 games within 7 days.


 There are monsters in the grass... Will you succumb to the grasslands?




Arrow Keys = Move

Z = Select

X = Cancel



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Interesting graphics update. It reminds me of a flash animation from like a decade ago:

A wizard has made you see everything in CGA.

Is this awesome? Y/Y



was looking through my itch profile and noticed I've been using pretty similar color palettes, so decided to try out CGA1 since it fits well with low pixel graphics


I have actually seen the old color scheme and I would say the new one certainly makes the game stand out more. Still reminds me too much of Pokémon, though. When I see tall grass in games with Gameboy-esque graphics it makes me want to get a lawnmower. ;)